Patient First
Policy for California

Passing Prescription Savings to Californians


The Issue

Health insurance companies and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) negotiate significant rebates and discounts when purchasing medications from drug manufacturers, but fail to pass those rebates and discounts on to patients.

As a result, many insured Californians with chronic conditions are paying nearly double what their insurer is paying for lifesaving and life-sustaining medication.

The Solution

California lawmakers are championing a simple solution – share the savings with our most vulnerable neighbors. This legislation would require insurers and PBMs to share the benefit of rebates and negotiated discounts directly with patients.

It is time to fix the financial burden placed on people living with chronic conditions. 

Our Work

The Patient Pocket Protector Coalition believes that prescription drug rebates should be shared with patients. 133 million American live with at least one chronic condition; 1 in 4 Americans live with 2 or more, and rebates for necessary prescription medications is, on average, 48%. Our goal is to protect patients’ pockets by holding politicians accountable for out-of-pocket costs and unregulated Pharmacy Benefit Managers.

Tell California legislators it is time to share the savings.


The Latest

July 11, 2023
California Is One Step Closer to Reforming Its Prescription Drug Rebate System
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June 27, 2023
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June 22, 2023
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June 8, 2023
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May 31, 2023
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May 18, 2023
SB 873 Passes Senate Appropriations Committee
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May 10, 2023
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April 19, 2023
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April 18, 2023
Reforming California’s Prescription Drug Rebate System Will Benefit Patients
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February 28, 2023
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July 10, 2023
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December 21, 2022
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May 5, 2022
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February 17, 2023
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